The effect of bioelectric and manual impressions on quality of complete dentures and quality of life: A cross over pilot study

J Oral Biol Craniofac Res. 2024 Jul-Aug;14(4):441-445. doi: 10.1016/j.jobcr.2024.05.016. Epub 2024 May 29.


Purpose: To compare the quality of complete dentures and quality of life of participants rehabilitated by using TENS (Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation) facilitated impression making with manual impressions.

Material and methods: Ten completely edentulous participants were enrolled in the crossover, pilot study. Participants were randomized in 2 groups. Five participants in each group were rehabilitated by dentures fabricated with TENS facilitated definitive impression technique (group T) and conventional impression technique (group C). In group T, Bioelectric border molding was done for the participants, that uses electric stimulation of the nerves supplying the muscles. In group C, incremental border molding using modeling plastic impression compound was carried out. Participants in each group used the dentures for 3 months. After 3 months, OHIP-EDENT questionnaire responses were obtained from the participants to observe the oral health related quality of life. A dental specialist recorded denture quality by Kapur scoring criteria. After one month wash period, the treatment was swapped between the groups. OHIP-EDENT scores and Kapur score were recorded for the alternate dentures after 3 months of use. Descriptive analysis was followed by Mann Whitney test to compare the overall scores between group T and group C for OHIP-EDENT, the scores for individual domains of OHIP-EDENT, and Kapur score for denture evaluation (α = 0.05).

Results: The overall OHIP-EDENT scores within each domain were less in group T when compared with the scores in group C and Kapur score for group T was more than group C. The difference was statistically significant i.e. P = 0.002 & 0.003 respectively.

Conclusions: Less OHIP-EDENT scores in group T imply better perception of quality of life of individuals due to better performance of stomatognathic system. The higher Kapur scores in group T signifies better quality of dentures when TENS was used for definitive impression making.

Keywords: Complete denture; Impression; Quality of life; TENS.