Introduction: Polycystic liver disease and giant hepatic hemangioma may present with severe symptom burden and indicate orthotopic liver transplantation. The left-to-right piggyback approach is a useful technique for performing total hepatectomy of enlarged livers.
Objective: The purpose of this study is to analyze the results of liver transplantation in patients with benign massive hepatomegaly.
Methods: This is a single-center retrospective study involving all adult patients who underwent liver transplantation due to benign massive hepatomegaly from January 2002 to June 2023.
Results: A total of 22 patients underwent liver transplantation (21 cases of polycystic live disease and 1 case of giant hepatic hemangioma). During the same time, there were 2075 transplants; therefore, benign massive hepatomegaly accounted for 1.06% of cases. Most patients (59.09%) were transplanted using the left-to-right piggyback technique. Seven patients had previous attempted treatment of hepatic cysts. Another patient previously underwent bilateral nephrectomy and living-donor kidney transplantation. Among these patients, in 5 cases there were massive abdominal adhesions with increased bleeding. Four of these 8 patients died in the very early perioperative period. In comparison to patients without previous cysts manipulation, massive adhesions and perioperative death were significantly higher in those cases (62.5 vs 0%, P = .002 and 50% vs 0%, P = .004, respectively).
Conclusion: Liver transplantation due to polycystic liver disease and giant hemangioma is a rare event. Total hepatectomy is challenging due to the enlarged native liver. The left-to-right piggyback technique is useful, because it avoids vena cava twisting and avulsion of its branches. Massive adhesions due to previous cysts manipulation may lead to increased bleeding, being a risk factor for mortality.
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