Introduction and importance: Craniocerebral wounds are potentially serious and life-threatening injuries. These are real medical and surgical emergencies. The authors report a case of craniocerebral injury in a child with extensive craniotomy and its management in a hospital with limited resources in Togo.
Case report: He was a young 11-year-old schoolboy who presented with an extensive craniocerebral injury with craniotomy after a road traffic accident. On admission, he had no focal neurological deficits or other signs related to an intracranial expansive process. After preoperative reanimation, antibiotic therapy and anti-tetanus serovaccination, he was taken to the operating room by general surgeons. He underwent lavage, suture of the dura mater, placement of the bone flap and suture of the scalp wound. The postoperative course was simple.
Clinical discussion: Cranioencephalic trauma is one of the main causes of pediatric mortality in developing countries. Cranio-cerebral wounds are a therapeutic emergency because of the risk of infection, which remains the main concern. Treatment consists of a medical component followed by a surgical component. Reanimation remains an essential component of medical treatment.
Conclusion: Craniocerebral wounds are serious injuries. It requires rapid and appropriate medical and surgical management to avoid complications, particularly infection.
Keywords: Child; Craniocerebral; Craniotomy; Trauma; Wound.
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