Numerous guidelines on the diagnosis and management of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) have been published, by learned societies, over the past decade. Although helpful they are often long and less adapted to nonexperts. This writing panel was challenged to produce a document that grew as much from years of practical experience as it did from the peer-reviewed literature. As such, rather than produce yet another set of guidelines, we aim herein to deliver a concentrate of our own experiential learning and distill for the reader the essence of effective and appropriate HCM care. This Clinical Practice Update on HCM is therefore aimed at general cardiologists and other cardiovascular practitioners rather than for HCM specialists. We set the stage with a description of the condition and its clinical presentation, discuss the central importance of "obstruction" and how to look for it, review the role of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, reflect on the appropriate use of genetic testing, review the treatment options for symptomatic HCM-crucially including cardiac myosin inhibitors, and deal concisely with practical issues surrounding risk assessment for sudden cardiac death, and management of the end-stage HCM patient. Uniquely, we have captured the pediatric experience on our panel to discuss appropriate differences in the management of younger patients with HCM. We ask the reader to remember that this document represents expert consensus opinion rather than dogma and to use their best judgement when dealing with the HCM patient in front of them.
Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.