Clinical evidence is interpreted based on clinical studies and personal experience which can lead to different interpretations of data. This makes the opinions issued by panels of experts such as the Advanced Breast Cancer Panel which convened in November 2023 for the seventh time (ABC7) particularly important. At the conference, current issues around advanced breast cancer were evaluated by an international team of experts. In 2023 the data on CDK4/6 inhibitors was so extensive that the answers to questions about the sequencing of therapy and the potential use of chemotherapy as an alternative therapy were relatively clear. Moreover, data on antibody drug conjugates which provides a good overview of their uses is available for all molecular subtypes. Some therapeutic settings, including patients with brain metastases or leptomeningeal disease, older patients, locally advanced breast cancer and visceral crises, continue to be particularly important and were discussed in structured sessions. The scientific context of some of the topics discussed at ABC7 is presented and assessed here.
Keywords: antibody drug conjugate; breast cancer; chemotherapy; endocrine therapy; metastatic.
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