Perfect Zeeman Anisotropy in Rotationally Symmetric Quantum Dots with Strong Spin-Orbit Interaction

Nano Lett. 2024 Jul 3;24(26):7927-7933. doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c01247. Epub 2024 Jun 17.


In nanoscale structures with rotational symmetry, such as quantum rings, the orbital motion of electrons combined with a spin-orbit interaction can produce a very strong and anisotropic Zeeman effect. Since symmetry is sensitive to electric fields, ring-like geometries provide an opportunity to manipulate magnetic properties over an exceptionally wide range. In this work, we show that it is possible to form rotationally symmetric confinement potentials inside a semiconductor quantum dot, resulting in electron orbitals with large orbital angular momentum and strong spin-orbit interactions. We find complete suppression of Zeeman spin splitting for magnetic fields applied in the quantum dot plane, similar to the expected behavior of an ideal quantum ring. Spin splitting reappears as orbital interactions are activated with symmetry-breaking electric fields. For two valence electrons, representing a common basis for spin-qubits, we find that modulating the rotational symmetry may offer new prospects for realizing tunable protection and interaction of spin-orbital states.

Keywords: Zeeman effect; quantum dot; quantum ring; spin−orbit interaction; symmetry.