In the last 20 years, several techniques have been developed for quantifying DNA methylation, the most studied epigenetic marks in eukaryotes, including the gold standard method, whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS). WGBS quantifies genome-wide DNA methylation but has several inconveniences rendering it less suitable for population-scale epigenetic studies. The high cost of deep sequencing and the large amounts of data generated prompted us to seek an alternative approach. Restricting studies to parts of the genome would be a satisfactory alternative had there not been a major limitation: the need to select upstream targets corresponding to differentially methylated regions as targets. Given the need to study large numbers of samples, we propose a strategy for investigating DNA methylation variation in natural populations, taking into account the structural complexity of genomes, their size, and their content in unique coding regions versus repeated regions as transposable elements. We first identified regions of highly variable DNA methylation in a subset of genotypes representative of the biological diversity in the population by WGBS. We then analysed the variations of DNA methylation in these targeted regions at the population level by sequencing capture bisulfite (SeqCapBis). The entire strategy was then validated by applying it to another species. Our strategy was developed as a proof of concept on natural populations of two forest species: Populus nigra and Quercus petraea.
Keywords: DNA methylation; SeqCapBis; WGBS; WGS; epigenetics; epigenomics; methylome; natural population; oak; poplar; transposon insertion polymorphism.
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