Diagnostic Accuracy of DNA-Methylation in Detection of Cervical Dysplasia: Findings from a Population-Based Screening Program

Cancers (Basel). 2024 May 23;16(11):1986. doi: 10.3390/cancers16111986.


Background: Epigenetic biomarkers in cancer have emerged as promising tools for early detection, prognosis, and treatment response prediction. In cervical cells, hypermethylation of the host and viral HPV-genome increases with the severity of lesions, providing a useful biomarker in the triage of hr-HPV-positive women and during treatment. The present study focuses on evaluating the clinical performance of the FAM19A4/miR124-2 methylation test in a population-based cervical screening program.

Methods: Previously collected cervical samples, after bisulfite-converted DNA, were analyzed by PreCursor-M+ kit (distributed by Fujirebio Europe), for DNA methylation. The sensitivity, specificity, and negative/positive predictive values of DNA methylation were compared to histology, colposcopy, the HPV-DNA test, and cytology results.

Results: Among the 61-sample set, the specificity of methylation vs. positive histology (≥CIN2) and colposcopy (≥G2) were 87% and 90%, whereas the sensitivity was 50% and 33.3%, respectively. The combination of methylation analysis with standard methods increases diagnostic accuracy.

Conclusions: Overall, we found a good specificity of DNA methylation in comparison to currently used techniques. Further larger studies could support the use of FAM19A4/miR124-2 as reliable biomarkers in the prevention of cervical cancer as triage in the screening protocol.

Keywords: DNA methylation; FAM19A4; cervical cancer; human papillomavirus; miR124-2.

Grants and funding

The APC and diagnostic kit PreCursor-M+ were funded by Fujirebio Europe.