Ten male cirrhotic patients with ascites and reduced renal function were randomly given equivalent doses of furosemide and muzolimine by the oral route, through a single blind cross-over protocol. Renal function, electrolyte plasma concentrations and urinary excretions and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system components were evaluated under basal conditions and after drug administration. The diuretic and saluretic effects being equal, the response to muzolimine was initially weaker but more prolonged than to furosemide, without rebound phenomena. The furosemide-induced natriuresis was in part related to the filtered sodium load, whereas muzolimine natriuresis was only correlated to the inhibition of tubular sodium reabsorption. No potassium wasting effect was seen after muzolimine administration. Transient plasma potassium concentration reduction observed during muzolimine suggests an ion shift within the intracellular compartment. Therefore, a possible interaction of the drug with cellular sodium active transport systems can be hypothesized. A significant increase of plasma renin activity was observed after furosemide. No significant changes were seen after muzolimine administration.