We review the negative impacts of vinasse, a byproduct of alcohol distillation, on Brazil's freshwater ecosystems. We found a total of 37 pollution events between the years 1935 and 2023, with this number almost certainly an underestimate due to underreporting and/or unassessed events. Pollution by vinasse occurred both through accidents (e.g., tank failure) and deliberately (i.e., opening of floodgates), although in many cases the causes remain undetermined. All pollution events caused fish kills, with some records reporting negative effects on other organisms as well (i.e., crustaceans and reptiles). Pollution by vinasse, and associated negative effects, was reported for 11 states, with a notable number of cases in São Paulo. Most cases of vinasse pollution and negative impacts on biodiversity were recorded in rivers, followed by streams and reservoirs. Some of the affected river systems harbour threatened freshwater fishes. Hydrological connectivity means that pollution could have propagated along watercourses. Given these consequences of vinasse pollution on biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and services, we recommend a number of remedial actions.
Keywords: Alcohol; Dissolved oxygen; Fishes; Stillage; Sugarcane industry; São Paulo.
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