Proteins have evolved through mutations-amino acid substitutions-since life appeared on Earth, some 109 years ago. The study of these phenomena has been of particular significance because of their impact on protein stability, function, and structure. This study offers a new viewpoint on how the most recent findings in these areas can be used to explore the impact of mutations on protein sequence, stability, and evolvability. Preliminary results indicate that: (1) mutations can be viewed as sensitive probes to identify 'typos' in the amino-acid sequence, and also to assess the resistance of naturally occurring proteins to unwanted sequence alterations; (2) the presence of 'typos' in the amino acid sequence, rather than being an evolutionary obstacle, could promote faster evolvability and, in turn, increase the likelihood of higher protein stability; (3) the mutation site is far more important than the substituted amino acid in terms of the marginal stability changes of the protein, and (4) the unpredictability of protein evolution at the molecular level-by mutations-exists even in the absence of epistasis effects. Finally, the Darwinian concept of evolution "descent with modification" and experimental evidence endorse one of the results of this study, which suggests that some regions of any protein sequence are susceptible to mutations while others are not. This work contributes to our general understanding of protein responses to mutations and may spur significant progress in our efforts to develop methods to accurately forecast changes in protein stability, their propensity for metamorphism, and their ability to evolve.
Keywords: Darwinian evolution; Folding rate; Mutations; Protection factors; Protein evolvability; Protein marginal stability.
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