Sundarban, a Ramsar site of India, has been encountering an ecological threat due to the presence of microplastic (MP) wastes generated from different anthropogenic sources. Clibanarius longitarsus, an intertidal hermit crab of Sundarban Biosphere Reserve, resides within the abandoned shell of a gastropod mollusc, Telescopium telescopium. We characterized and estimated the MP in the gills and gut of hermit crab, as well as in the water present in its occupied gastropod shell. The average microplastic abundance in sea water, sand and sediment were 0.175 ± 0.145 MP L-1, 42 ± 15.03 MP kg-1 and 67.63 ± 24.13 MP kg-1 respectively. The average microplastic load in hermit crab was 1.94 ± 0.59 MP crab-1, with 33.89 % and 66.11 % in gills and gut respectively. Gastropod shell water exhibited accumulation of 1.69 ± 1.43 MP L-1. Transparent and fibrous microplastics were documented as the dominant polymers of water, sand and sediment. Shell water exhibited the prevalence of green microplastics followed by transparent ones. Microscopic examination revealed microplastics with 100-300 μm size categories were dominant across all abiotic compartments. ATR-FTIR and Raman spectroscopy confirmed polyethylene and polypropylene as the prevalent polymers among the five identified polymers of biotic and abiotic components. The target group index indicated green and black as the preferable microplastics of crab. The ecological risk analysis indicated a considerable level of environmental pollution risk in Sundarban and its inhabiting organisms. This important information base may facilitate in developing a strategy of mitigation to limit the MP induced ecological risk at Sundarban Biosphere Reserve.
Keywords: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; Hazard category; Intertidal zone; Polyethylene; Raman spectroscopy; Target group index.
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