The lack of a detailed mechanistic understanding for plasmon-mediated charge transfer at metal-semiconductor interfaces severely limits the design of efficient photovoltaic and photocatalytic devices. A major remaining question is the relative contribution from indirect transfer of hot electrons generated by plasmon decay in the metal to the semiconductor compared to direct metal-to-semiconductor interfacial charge transfer. Here, we demonstrate an overall electron transfer efficiency of 44 ± 3% from gold nanorods to titanium oxide shells when excited on resonance. We prove that half of it originates from direct interfacial charge transfer mediated specifically by exciting the plasmon. We are able to distinguish between direct and indirect pathways through multimodal frequency-resolved approach measuring the homogeneous plasmon linewidth by single-particle scattering spectroscopy and time-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy with variable pump wavelengths. Our results signify that the direct plasmon-induced charge transfer pathway is a promising way to improve hot carrier extraction efficiency by circumventing metal intrinsic decay that results mainly in nonspecific heating.