Miliary tuberculosis is a form of disseminated tuberculosis that can be difficult to detect when the classic pattern is absent on chest radiograph and advanced cross-sectional imaging is not readily available. While the focused assessment with sonography for HIV-associated tuberculosis (FASH) protocol for extrapulmonary tuberculosis emphasizes easy-to-teach findings, experienced sonographers may detect additional, subtler signs that can aid in diagnosis. We report a case of a 20-year-old man with miliary tuberculosis diagnosed on computed tomography of the chest. We describe subtle sonographic signs of disseminated tuberculosis including subpleural irregularities and comet-tail artifacts, a bright liver pattern, peritoneal nodules, and a nonspecific sponge spleen pattern. We then discuss important differential diagnoses for each finding. Knowledge of subtle sonographic signs outside of the FASH protocol can aid clinicians in detecting disseminated tuberculosis, including the miliary form, when advanced imaging may not be available.