Research question: What were the clinical outcomes from 332 autologous vitrified- warmed oocyte cycles derived from 3182 elective autologous oocyte freeze cycles carried out between 2008 and 2022 in a single-centre series?
Design: In this retrospective observational study, outcomes in 299 patients returning to use their frozen oocytes between 2015 and 2023 were analysed.
Results: A total of 3328 elective oocyte vitrification cycles were performed in 2280 patients. The return rate to use oocytes was 14% (299/2171). Mean ages were 37.6 years at storage and 40 at warming. Ninety-three clinical pregnancies and 77 healthy live births were recorded. The live birth rate (LBR) was 24% (39/163) per fresh transfer and 17% (39/227) per embryo transferred. Stratified by age at freezing, the LBR per embryo transferred was 26% (12/47) in participants under 35 years, 20% (24/118) in those 35-39 years and 5% (3/62) in those 40+ years. Frozen embryo transfers (FET) achieved a 30% (24/80) LBR per embryo transfer and a 27% (24/90) LBR per embryo transferred. PGT-A for embryo selection doubled the LBR compared with FET from an untested embryo after one attempt (40% versus 21%). In patients aged over 40 years, the cumulative LBR reached 42% per patient in euploid FET.
Conclusion: The proportion of patients who returned to use their stored oocytes and the clinical outcomes were consistent with other recent reports and challenges the prevalent critical narrative regarding elective oocyte freezing for fertility preservation. The results are now comparable to routine IVF. Not everyone who returns to use their oocytes will conceive, but for those choosing to preserve their fertility, oocyte freezing can provide reproducible and reassuring results.
Keywords: Live birth rate (LBR); Oocyte; Social freezing; Vitrification; Warming.
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