Heterozygous de novo or inherited gain-of-function mutations in the MTOR gene cause Smith-Kingsmore syndrome (SKS). SKS is a rare autosomal dominant condition, and individuals with SKS display macrocephaly/megalencephaly, developmental delay, intellectual disability, and seizures. A few dozen individuals are reported in the literature. Here, we report a cohort of 28 individuals with SKS that represent nine MTOR pathogenic variants. We conducted a detailed natural history study and found pathophysiological deficits among individuals with SKS in addition to the common neurodevelopmental symptoms. These symptoms include sleep-wake disturbance, hyperphagia, and hyperactivity, indicative of homeostatic imbalance. To characterize these variants, we developed cell models and characterized their functional consequences. We showed that these SKS variants display a range of mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) activities and respond to the mTOR inhibitor, rapamycin, differently. For example, the R1480_C1483del variant we identified here and the previously known C1483F are more active than wild-type controls and less responsive to rapamycin. Further, we showed that SKS mutations dampened circadian rhythms and low-dose rapamycin improved the rhythm amplitude, suggesting that optimal mTOR activity is required for normal circadian function. As SKS is caused by gain-of-function mutations in MTOR, rapamycin was used to treat several patients. While higher doses of rapamycin caused delayed sleep-wake phase disorder in a subset of patients, optimized lower doses improved sleep. Our study expands the clinical and molecular spectrum of SKS and supports further studies for mechanism-guided treatment options to improve sleep-wake behavior and overall health.
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