Short association fibres (SAF) are the most abundant fibre pathways in the human white matter. Until recently, SAF could not be mapped comprehensively in vivo because diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging with sufficiently high spatial resolution needed to map these thin and short pathways was not possible. Recent developments in acquisition hardware and sequences allowed us to create a dedicated in vivo method for mapping the SAF based on sub-millimetre spatial resolution diffusion weighted tractography, which we validated in the human primary (V1) and secondary (V2) visual cortex against the expected SAF retinotopic order. Here, we extended our original study to assess the feasibility of the method to map SAF in higher cortical areas by including SAF up to V3. Our results reproduced the expected retinotopic order of SAF in the V2-V3 and V1-V3 stream, demonstrating greater robustness to the shorter V1-V2 and V2-V3 than the longer V1-V3 connections. The demonstrated ability of the method to map higher-order SAF connectivity patterns in vivo is an important step towards its application across the brain.
Keywords: U-fibres; retinotopy; superficial white matter; tractography; validation.
© The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press.