Prostatic cancer is one of the most frequent forms of malignancy in Western countries. Initially, growth of the majority of prostate tumors can be manipulated by endocrine therapy. However, ultimately androgen independent tumors continue to grow. We studied the expression of oncogenes in four different human prostatic carcinoma cell lines: PC 3, PC 133, PC 135, which are androgen independent, and the hormone dependent PC 82 cell line. Large amounts of Ha-ras and myc mRNA were present in all cell lines. Transcripts of fes, int-1 and abl were never detected. In some of the cell lines the presence of N-ras, Ki-ras, myb, fos, fms and sis mRNA was observed. The PC 82 cell line showed, in addition to myc and Ha-ras high levels of fos expression. Inhibition of tumor cell proliferation by withdrawal of androgen was accompanied by a tenfold reduction of the fos mRNA level and a twofold reduction of Ha-ras transcripts. In contrast, the expression of myc was not changed.