Cellular senescence, which is triggered by various stressors, manifests as irreversible cell cycle arrest, resulting in the disruption of multiple nuclear condensates. One of the affected structures is the nucleolus, whose tripartite layout, separated into distinct liquid phases, allows for the stepwise progression of ribosome biogenesis. The dynamic properties of dense fibrillar components, a sub-nucleolar phase, are crucial for mediating pre-rRNA processing. However, the mechanistic link between the material properties of dense fibrillar components and cellular senescence remains unclear. We established a significant association between cellular senescence and alterations in nucleolar materiality and characteristics, including the number, size, and sphericity of individual subphases of the nucleolus. Senescent cells exhibit reduced fibrillarin dynamics, aberrant accumulation of high-order protein assemblies, such as oligomers and fibrils, and increased dense fibrillar component density. Intriguingly, the addition of RNA-interacting entities mirrored the diminished diffusion of fibrillarin in the nucleolus during cellular senescence. Thus, our findings contribute to a broader understanding of the intricate changes in the materiality of the nucleolus associated with cellular senescence and shed light on nucleolar dynamics in the context of aging and cellular stress.
Keywords: Cellular senescence; Fibrillarin; Nucleolus; Protein aggregation; RNA-Protein interaction.
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