Effect of the Nd:YAG laser on the micro-tensile bond strength of composite resin to dentin with hypersensitivity using different universal adhesives

J Clin Exp Dent. 2024 Jun 1;16(6):e685-e692. doi: 10.4317/jced.61493. eCollection 2024 Jun.


Background: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the Nd: YAG laser on the tensile bond strength of composite resin to dentin with hypersensitivity using different universal bonding systems.

Material and methods: After cutting the crown of 252 molars, buccal cervical enamel was removed at a thickness of approximately 2 mm, and 252 smooth dentin surfaces were exposed. Then they were etched with 0.5 M ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (pH = 7.4) to stimulate hypersensitivity. The specimens were then randomly divided into 12 groups (n= 21) according to the surface treatments performed. After etching and bonding according to the manufacturer's recommendations in each group, the entire dentin surface was restored with Valux Plus composite resin. The samples were thermocycled and a universal test machine was used to measure the microtensile bond strength. The failure mode for each sample was observed under a stereomicroscope. For data analysis, the Bonferroni test, the independent t-test and the three-way anova test were used.

Results: The average microtensile bond strength in non-laser samples was higher than the average in laser samples (P<0.001). In comparison with the bonding agent type in both cases with and without laser, the highest average microtensile bond strength was related to ALL-BOND (P<0.001), meanwhile the lowest average tensile strength in samples without laser was related to G-Premio universal adhesive (P<0.001), and the lowest average microtensile strength in samples with laser belonged to Prime and Bond Elect group (P<0.001).

Conclusions: Nd: YAG laser irradiation of the dentin surface before applying the adhesive significantly decreased the microtensile bond strength of the composite resin to the dentin surface. Key words:Nd:YAG laser, Bond strength, Dentin, hypersensitivity, Universal adhesives.