The geometrical accuracy of additively manufactured pure titanium clasps depends on the building orientation. The aim of this study is to compare the geometrical accuracy and the fatigue lives predicted by finite element analysis (FEA) among three clasps manufactured with different building orientations. Besides, this paper proposed a calculation method of the moment of inertia of area and cross-sectional area along with the arm as the geometrical parameters. One of the clasps manufactured with a cylindrical chucking part for the fatigue test had almost the same geometrical parameters with the CAD design. Also, the authors' fatigue life prediction method using the CAD based FEA was verified through comparison with micro-CT image-based FEA. The other two clasps had larger geometrical parameters than the CAD design, resulting in longer fatigue lives. The results implied the importance of calculating the moment of inertia of the area in the design of the clasp arm.
Keywords: Additive manufacturing; Building orientation; Clasp; Fatigue life prediction; Finite element method.