Old lessons for new science: How sacred-tree metaphors can inform studies of the public-health benefits of the natural environment

Heliyon. 2024 Jul 26;10(15):e35111. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e35111. eCollection 2024 Aug 15.


Many studies have identified an association between exposure to the natural environment and improved public-health outcomes. However, much of this observational work lacks a theoretical foundation, so we look to the humanities for a stronger basis for green-health research, examining how trees have been used as religious metaphors and symbols for health and wellbeing. In particular, the tree of life, sacred trees, and other religious symbols provide a promising theoretical basis for green-health research. Based on this review, we propose the value of incorporating attributes such as vegetation species and size in exposure metrics, and considering the interactions between exposure attributes (e.g., species) and individual attributes (e.g., culture).

Keywords: Greenness; Health; Humanities; Interdisciplinary; Nature; Trees.