Objectives: Hair cortisol concentration (HCC) indicates chronic stress exposure, which is a risk factor in the pathogenesis of burnout and depression. However, findings on HCC are inconsistent. Similarly, intervention studies show mixed effects on HCC. The present study aimed to shed light on these inconsistencies, by additionally considering also hair cortisone.
Methods: Twenty-five patients with a burnout-related depressive disorder receiving a multimodal inpatient treatment for clinical burnout and 17 matched healthy controls participated in this study. All participants provided 1 cm long hair samples at the beginning and end of the treatment. HCC and hair cortisone levels (HCNC) were determined. Meteorological data and duration of sick leave were considered as potential covariates. Burnout and depression were assessed with self-ratings, the latter also with examiner ratings.
Results: There were no significant group differences in glucocorticoid levels. Treatment led to a decrease in both depression severity and hair glucocorticoid concentration in inpatients, while lower HCNC in particular predicted a greater reduction in depression severity. Moreover, meteorological data and the duration of sick leave were also found to have an effect on hair glucocorticoid concentrations.
Conclusions: These results suggest that multimodal inpatient treatment of clinical burnout considerably reduced stress on both a psychological and biological level. In parallel, hair glucocorticoids appear to be sensitive biomarkers for the evaluation of treatment success and prediction. Examining both HCC and HCNC in intervention studies may provide clearer results than the usual examination of HCC alone.
Keywords: Burnout; depression; hair glucocorticoids; meteorological data; sick leave.