The Development of a Novel Nitrate Portable Measurement System Based on a UV Paired Diode-Photodiode

Sensors (Basel). 2024 Aug 20;24(16):5367. doi: 10.3390/s24165367.


Nitrates can cause severe ecological imbalances in aquatic ecosystems, with considerable consequences for human health. Therefore, monitoring this inorganic form of nitrogen is essential for any water quality management structure. This research was conducted to develop a novel Nitrate Portable Measurement System (NPMS) to monitor nitrate concentrations in water samples. NPMS is a reagent-free ultraviolet system developed using low-cost electronic components. Its operation principle is based on the Beer-Lambert law for measuring nitrate concentrations in water samples through light absorption in the spectral range of 295-315 nm. The system is equipped with a ready-to-use ultraviolet sensor, light emission diode (LED), op-amp, microcontroller, liquid crystal display, quartz cuvette, temperature sensor, and battery. All the components are assembled in a 3D-printed enclosure box, which allows a very compact self-contained equipment with high portability, enabling field and near-real-time measurements. The proposed methodology and the developed instrument were used to analyze multiple nitrate standard solutions. The performance was evaluated in comparison to the Nicolet Evolution 300, a classical UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The results demonstrate a strong correlation between the retrieved measurements by both instruments within the investigated spectral band and for concentrations above 5 mg NO3-/L.

Keywords: UV; absorbance; chemistry; environment; human health; nitrate; optical; opto-electronic; portable device; real time; spectroscopy; water.