This study presents a comparative analysis of the effects of different interferons (IFN) on the three recognizable subsets of human HLA class II molecules: DR, BR, and DQ. Both cellular expression and shedding of class II molecules have been determined on three different cell types. The results can be summarized as follows: class II molecules are markedly increased by IFN gamma; IFN beta has a lower enhancing effect, and IFN alpha has only a slight, if any, effect. Kinetically, the action of IFN gamma is prompter and longer lasting than that of IFN beta. DQ expression is much more enhanced by IFN gamma than either DR or BR; IFN beta has the same effect on all three subsets. Parallel changes of the cellular expression and of the shedding of these molecules are observed. A melanoma and a lymphoblastoid cell line and peripheral blood mononuclear cells show qualitatively similar modifications.