In an attempt to explain the rarity of ketonuria in Indian diabetics, plasma glucose, insulin and free fatty acid (FFA) levels were measured in 35 non-obese patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes in the young and 35 matched controls during a 100 g oral glucose tolerance test. Compared with the controls, the patients had a severe degree of hyperglycaemia, fasting hyperinsulinism, and an attenuated and delayed insulinaemic response. However, in addition to the fasting plasma FFA levels being similar in the two groups, the decrement in the FFA responses was equivalent. Thus, the hormone-sensitive lipase of the adipose tissue appeared to be sensitive to inhibition by insulin. Also, the fasting insulin:glucagon molar ratios were computed and found to be no different in the two groups. The normal fasting FFA levels, relative sensitivity to insulin of lipolysis in the adipocyte and normal insulin: glucagon molar ratios may help to explain in part the general rarity of ketosis-prone diabetes in the South African Indian population.