We assessed the diversity, composition, and distribution of bird species in patches of semi-humid evergreen broad-leaved forest by selecting eight natural forest communities in the central Yunnan Plateau, which is a representative distribution area of semi-humid broad-leaved evergreen forest. Field observations were conducted from April to August 2023 by the sample line and sample point method, and eight survey routes of 3-4 km in length were established. The results showed that 1) A total of 1286 birds were recorded, belonging to 102 species in 7 orders and 30 families. The three most abundant families were Muscicapidae (14 species), Leiothrichidae (9 species), and Phylloscopidae (7 species); 2) Species of Oriental origin, Palaearctic origin, and widespread species accounted for 81.4%, 4.9%, and 13.7% of observations, respectively; 3) The average number of bird species surveyed in forest patches was 32.0±3.5; the Shannon index of birds was lower in secondary, semi-humid evergreen broad-leaved forests (1.536±0.110) than in primary forest communities (2.037±0.100); 4) Species composition exhibited considerable variation between patches, with the presence of dominant and common species, and the difference in rare species; 5) Considering the ecological groups of birds based on diet, invertebrate-eating and omnivorous birds, herbivorous birds, and carnivorous birds accounted for 84.3%, 11.8%, and 3.9%, respectively. The coexistence of birds with similar diets was maintained by diluting interspecific competition, mainly through partitioning of the vertical feeding space. For the conservation of bird species diversity and rare species, all patches of native semi-humid evergreenbroad-leaved forest are of conservation value.
本研究选取半湿润常绿阔叶林的代表性分布区——滇中高原地区8处天然森林群落作为调查取样对象,定量评估半湿润常绿阔叶林现存斑块中的鸟类物种多样性及其组成与分布的特点。野外观测集中于2023年4—8月,采用样线-样点法,共布设3~4 km长调查路线8条。结果表明: 1)调查共记录鸟类1286只次,隶属7目30科102种。种类最丰富的前3科分别是鹟科(含14种)、噪鹛科(含9种)、柳莺科(含7种);2)东洋界物种占81.4%,古北界物种占4.9%,广布种占13.7%;3)森林斑块中调查到的平均鸟类物种数为32.0±3.5;鸟类Shannon指数在火后恢复的半湿润常绿阔叶林(1.536±0.110)中低于原生森林群落(2.037±0.100);4)不同斑块间存在共同的优势种(红头长尾山雀、蓝翅希鹛、灰腹绣眼鸟)和常见种(西南冠纹柳莺、蓝喉太阳鸟、棕头雀鹛),稀有种则各不相同,导致不同斑块中鸟类物种成分有很大不同;5)基于食性划分生态种组,食无脊椎动物和杂食的鸟类占84.3%,植食性鸟类占11.8%,肉食性鸟类占3.9%。食性相近的鸟类主要通过分割占用森林的垂直取食空间,稀释种间竞争,维持物种共存。对于鸟类物种多样性维持而言,现存的原生性半湿润常绿阔叶林斑块都具有重要的保护价值。.
Keywords: bird; central Yunnan Plateau; semi-humid evergreen broad-leaved forest; species composition; species diversity.