Background: Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) oligoclonal bands (OCB) are a diagnostic biomarker in multiple sclerosis (MS). The central vein sign (CVS) is an imaging biomarker for MS that may improve diagnostic accuracy.
Objectives: The objective of the study is to examine the diagnostic performance of simplified CVS methods in comparison to OCB in participants with clinical or radiological suspicion for MS.
Methods: Participants from the CentrAl Vein Sign in MS (CAVS-MS) pilot study with CSF testing were included. Select-3 and Select-6 (counting up to three or six CVS+ lesions per scan) were rated on post-gadolinium FLAIR* images. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value for Select-3, Select-6, OCB, and combinations thereof were calculated for MS diagnosis at baseline and at 12 months.
Results: Of 53 participants, 25 were OCB+. At baseline, sensitivity for MS diagnosis was 0.75 for OCB, 0.83 for Select-3, and 0.71 for Select-6. Specificity for MS diagnosis was 0.76 for OCB, 0.48 for Select-3, and 0.86 for Select-6. At 12 months, PPV for MS diagnosis was 0.95 for Select-6 and 1.00 for Select-6 with OCB+ status.
Discussion: Results suggest similar diagnostic performance of simplified CVS methods and OCB. Ongoing studies will refine whether CVS could be used in replacement or in conjunction with OCB.
Keywords: biomarker; central vein sign; diagnostic imaging; multiple sclerosis; oligoclonal bands.