The Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja) is an iconic species that inhabits forested landscapes in Neotropical regions, with decreasing population trends mainly due to habitat loss, and currently classified as vulnerable. Here, we report on a chromosome-scale genome assembly for a female individual combining long reads, optical mapping, and chromatin conformation capture reads. The final assembly spans 1.35 Gb, with N50scaffold equal to 58.1 Mb and BUSCO completeness of 99.7%. We built the first extensive transposable element (TE) library for the Accipitridae to date and identified 7,228 intact TEs. We found a burst of an unknown TE ~ 13-22 million years ago (MYA), coincident with the split of the Harpy Eagle from other Harpiinae eagles. We also report a burst of solo-LTRs and CR1 retrotransposons ~ 31-33 MYA, overlapping with the split of the ancestor to all Harpiinae from other Accipitridae subfamilies. Comparative genomics with other Accipitridae, the closely related Cathartidae and Galloanserae revealed major chromosome-level rearrangements at the basal Accipitriformes genome, in contrast to a conserved ancient genome architecture for the latter two groups. A historical demography reconstruction showed a rapid decline in effective population size over the last 20,000 years. This reference genome serves as a crucial resource for future conservation efforts towards the Harpy Eagle.
Keywords: Accipitridae; Demographic decline; Genome architecture; Genome assembly; Transposable elements.
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