In rivers, the addition of finer sediment to a coarser riverbed is known to increase the mobility of the coarser fraction. Two mechanisms have been suggested for this: a geometric mechanism whereby smaller sizes smooth the bed, increasing near-bed velocity and thus mobility of the larger sizes, and a viscous mechanism whereby a transitionally smooth turbulent boundary layer forms, rendering the coarser grains more mobile. Here, we report on experiments using two sediment mixtures to better understand these proposed mechanisms. In Mixture 1, we used 0.5 and 5 mm grains, and in Mixture 2, we used 2 and 20 mm grains. If the entrainment of coarse gravel by finer sediment is a purely geometric effect, then the addition of finer material should produce the same effect on the mobility of the coarser material for both mixtures because they have the same size ratio. We show that addition of finer material has a different effect on the two mixtures. We observed an increase in the mobility of the coarse fraction for both mixtures, but the increase in coarse fraction mobility for Mixture 1 was almost twice that for Mixture 2. Our experiments show that in addition to the geometric effect, enhancement of coarse gravel transport by finer sediment is also driven by a viscous effect.
Keywords: gravel; sand; sediment mobility; sediment transport.