This report describes two similar cases in which the distal forearm was compressed between the rib cage and floor for a prolonged period owing to immobility, resulting in severe compartment syndrome and extensive penetrating necrosis in the forearm. The cases were a 59-year-old man with cervical spondylolisthesis and a 65-year-old man suspected of having Parkinson's disease. A distinctive necrotic pattern characterized by necrosis in the volar and dorsal compartments, preservation of the lateral compartment, and retention of the radial artery was commonly observed in both cases. Despite the anticipated nonfunctional outcome of the salvaged limb, a two-lobed free latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap transfer with interposition of the thoracodorsal nerve in the median nerve defect was performed in both cases. Although the salvaged limbs were nonfunctional, the patients were able to use it for activities such as getting up and other daily tasks.
Keywords: forearm compartment syndrome; forearm pressure ulcer; free tissue flap; immobility; rib cage; upper-limb salvage.
Published by Oxford University Press and JSCR Publishing Ltd. © The Author(s) 2024.