This study aimed to compare several potential mouthrinse biomarkers for periodontitis including active matrix-metalloproteinase-8 (aMMP-8), total MMP-8, and other inflammatory biomarkers in diagnosing and monitoring the effects of nonsurgical periodontal therapy. Thirteen patients with stage III/IV periodontitis were recruited, along with thirteen periodontally and systemically healthy controls. These 13 patients were representative of the number of outpatients visiting any dentist in a single day. Full-mouth clinical periodontal parameters and biomarkers (the aMMP-8 point-of-care-test [POCT], total MMP-8, tissue inhibitor of MMPs (TIMP)-1, the aMMP-8 RFU activity assay, Myeloperoxidase, PMN elastase, calprotectin, and interleukin-6) were recorded at baseline and after nonsurgical therapy at 6 weeks. The aMMP-8 POCT was the most efficient and precise discriminator, with a cut-off of 20 ng/mL found to be optimal. Myeloperoxidase, MMP-8's oxidative activator, was also efficient. Following closely in precision was the aMMP-8 RFU activity assay and PMN elastase. In contrast, the total MMP-8 assay and the other biomarkers were less efficient and precise in distinguishing patients with periodontitis from healthy controls. aMMP-8, MPO, and PMN elastase may form a proteolytic and pro-oxidative tissue destruction cascade in periodontitis, potentially representing a therapeutic target. The aMMP-8 chair-side test with a cut-off of 20 ng/mL was the most efficient and precise discriminator between periodontal health and disease. The aMMP-8 POC test can be effectively used by dental professionals in their dental practices in online and real-time diagnoses as well as in monitoring periodontal disease and educating and encouraging good oral practices among patients.
Keywords: aMMP-8; active matrix metalloproteinase-8; biomarker; diagnosis; periodontitis.