Routine Urology Consultation and Follow-up After Pediatric Blunt Renal Trauma is Likely Unnecessary

J Pediatr Surg. 2024 Aug 28:161886. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2024.161886. Online ahead of print.


Introduction: This study examines the outcomes of high-grade renal trauma in pediatric patients and evaluates the intervention rate. In our hospital, we routinely consult urology on all high-grade injuries. We anticipated minimal intervention, casting doubt on the need for routine urology consultation and follow-up.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective review at a single pediatric trauma center from January 2018 to June 2023, focusing on patients with severe (grade III-V) renal injuries. Data collected included demographics, trauma-related variables, hospital course, interventions, and follow-up. When the grade was not readily available in the electronic medical record, we had a board-certified pediatric radiologist review the imaging and provide the grade. Follow-up was included only if it was with a pediatric urologist.

Results: There were 92 patients that met our inclusion criteria. Of these, 47 were grade III, 32 were grade IV, and 13 were grade V. Six (6.5%) patients required inpatient renal stent procedures. Follow-up occurred in 55/92 (60%) patients with a pediatric urologist. Follow-up by grade is as follows: 22/47 (47%) grade III, 22/32 (69%) grade IV, and 11/13 (85%) grade V. Overall 5.8% of patients required antihypertensive medications and this was more likely as injury grade increased. All stents were removed outpatient and there were 3 (3.3%) additional outpatient interventions, all in patients that were symptomatic.

Conclusion: Given the low prevalence of interventions after discharge, routine consultation and follow-up with urology is likely unnecessary in the absence of an inpatient urologic procedure during the index hospitalization. Patients with high-grade injuries should instead follow up with a trauma clinic or general provider with urology follow-up based on symptoms.

Type of study: Retrospective Review.

Level of evidence: Level III.

Keywords: AAST grade renal trauma; High-grade renal trauma; Kidney injury; Pediatric renal trauma; Renal trauma.