Over three decades ago, two independent groups of investigators identified free D-aspartic and later D-serine in specific brain nuclei and endocrine glands. This finding revealed a novel, non-proteinogenic role of these molecules. Moreover, the finding that aged proteins from the human eye crystallin, teeth, bone, blood vessels or the brain incorporate D-aspartic acids to specific primary protein sequences fostered the hypothesis that aging might be related to D-amino acid isomerization of body proteins. The experimental confirmation that schizophrenia and neurodegenerative diseases modify plasma free D-amino acids or tissue levelsnurtured the opportunity of using D-amino acids as therapeutic agents for several disease treatments, a strategy that prompted the successful current application of D-amino acids to human medicine.
Keywords: D-Ser and schizophrenia treatment; D-amino acids; D-amino acids pharmacotherapy; D-aspartic in aged proteins; gliotransmission.
© 2024 The Chemical Society of Japan and Wiley-VCH GmbH.