Quantum paraelectric varactors for radiofrequency measurements at millikelvin temperatures

Nat Electron. 2024;7(9):760-767. doi: 10.1038/s41928-024-01214-z. Epub 2024 Aug 5.


Radiofrequency reflectometry can provide fast and sensitive electrical read-out of charge and spin qubits in quantum dot devices coupled to resonant circuits. In situ frequency tuning and impedance matching of the resonator circuit using voltage-tunable capacitors (varactors) is needed to optimize read-out sensitivity, but the performance of conventional semiconductor- and ferroelectric-based varactors degrades substantially in the millikelvin temperature range relevant for solid-state quantum devices. Here we show that strontium titanate and potassium tantalate, materials which can exhibit quantum paraelectric behaviour with large field-tunable permittivity at low temperatures, can be used to make varactors with perfect impedance matching and resonator frequency tuning at 6 mK. We characterize the varactors at 6 mK in terms of their capacitance tunability, dissipative losses and magnetic field insensitivity. We use the quantum paraelectric varactors to optimize the radiofrequency read-out of carbon nanotube quantum dot devices, achieving a charge sensitivity of 4.8 μe Hz-1/2 and a capacitance sensitivity of 0.04 aF Hz-1/2.

Keywords: Electrical and electronic engineering; Electronic devices; Quantum information.