Personal Experiences With Xylazine and Behavior Change: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Reddit Posts

J Addict Med. 2024 Sep 27. doi: 10.1097/ADM.0000000000001383. Online ahead of print.


Objectives: Xylazine is a rapidly spreading adulterant in the United States' drug supply and is increasingly associated with overdoses and severe wounds, but there is a dearth of information about the clinical presentation or means of treatment for human xylazine exposure. The objective of this study was to explore personal attitudes about xylazine in the drug supply and experiences with xylazine-related use among people who reported using drugs and contributed content to social media site Reddit.

Methods: To conduct a retrospective qualitative content analysis, the study team extracted all posts and comments from Reddit, which mentioned the terms "xylazine" or "tranq." Content was extracted from 10 Reddit forums, or subreddits, specific to drug use, and included content created on or before the extraction date of January 2023. In total, 3284 posts were identified and 1803 were qualitatively coded using an inductive approach until meaning saturation was reached.

Results: Three themes emerged across comments and posts: (1) personal experiences with xylazine, including a negative impact on overdose, withdrawal, and wounds; (2) behavior changes in response to xylazine in the drug supply, including devising and sharing new harm reduction and detection tips, and reducing or abstaining from drug use altogether; (3) a perceived lack of treatment options for xylazine withdrawal and information sharing to help others self-treat withdrawal symptoms, most often with clonidine.

Conclusions: This study of people who reported using drugs with xylazine provides new insights into how xylazine is perceived, possible treatment modalities, and potential clinical research approaches.