Introduction: Alcoholism is a major global public health concern associated with numerous health conditions. Alcohol use has been a cultural part of several ethnic groups in Nepal. This study aimed to explore the qualitative dimension of alcohol use, its promoting factors, and consequences in Nepalese communities.
Methods: Qualitative study was conducted among 20 older adults belonging to the Magar community of Mathagadhi Rural Municipality, Lumbini Province, Nepal after acquiring ethical approval from Institutional Review Committee of CiST College (Reference number: 179/078/079). The data were analyzed using inductive thematic analysis, and themes were identified based on participants' responses to explore promoting factors for alcohol consumption along with its consequences.
Results: Traditional beliefs, cultural practices, and socioeconomic factors were the major contributors to alcohol misuse. Increased alcohol consumption during old age was perceived to be associated with body pain, tension, painful life events, and loneliness.
Conclusions: A conflicting perception was observed, where some of the participants expressed the need to promote alcohol use as a part of their culture while some shared the view that the use of alcohol as a cultural practice should be limited. This study highlights the need for culturally appropriate interventions to address alcohol misuse among indigenous communities. Interventions should focus on addressing traditional beliefs and cultural practices that normalize alcohol consumption and the social and economic problems associated with alcohol misuse.
Keywords: alcohol consumption; alcohol drinking habits; alcoholism; cross sectional study qualitative research..