Background: Thyroid drains after thyroid surgery are often used despite evidence. The aim of this retrospective study was to determine the post-operative complication rates following thyroid uncomplicate surgery without drain.
Material and methods: The medical records of two hundred and thirty-nine patients who undergone thyroid surgery without and with drain were reviewed. The rate of post-operative either complications and pain were evaluated.
Results: The distribution of the operations performed were similar in two groups, in no-drain group (group A) there were total thyroidectomy 68.7% and lobectomy 31.3% while in drain group (group B) the total thyroidectomy were 70.8% and the lobectomy were 29.2%, this without statistical significant difference. Postoperative complications that occurred included seromas, hematoma and wound infections were without significantly differences. Postoperative pain was significantly lower in group A than in group B at two timepoint. The mean hospital stay was significantly shorter in the non-drained group.
Conclusions: The no-drain uncomplicated thyroid surgery was safe and didn't increase a rates of post-operative complications. In addition, we achieved significant reduction of postoperative pain, hospital stay and overall costs.
Keywords: Complications; Drain use; Thyroid surgery.
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