Phytosterols are plant sterols that are important secondary plant metabolites with significant pharmacological properties. Their presence in the plant kingdom concerns many unrelated botanical families such as oleageneous plants and cereals. The structures of phytosterols evoke those of cholesterol. These molecules are composed of a sterane ring, also known as perhydrocyclopentanophenanthrene, along with a methyl or ethyl group at C-24 in their side chains, a hydroxyl group at C-3 on ring A, and one or two double bonds in the B ring. Phytosterols display different oxidation degrees at the sterane ring and at the side chain as well as varying numbers of carbons with complex stereochemistries. Fats and water solubilities of phytosterols have been achieved by physical, chemical and enzymatic esterifications to favor their bioavailability and to improve the sensory quality of food, and the efficiency of pharmaceutic and cosmetic products. This review aims to provide comprehensive information starting from the definition and structural classification of phytosterols, and exposes an update of their biogenic relationships. Next, the synthesis of phytosterol esters and their applications as well as their effective roles as hormone precursors are discussed. Finally, a concise exploration of the latest advancements in phytosterol / oxyphytosterols analysis techniques is provided, with a particular focus on modern hyphenated techniques.
Keywords: Phytosterol biosynthesis; Phytosterol chemistry; Phytosterol classification; Phytosterol detection; Phytosterol esters.
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