Ocean gliders are versatile and efficient passive acoustic monitoring platforms in remote marine environments, but few studies have examined their potential to monitor ship underwater noise. This study investigates a Slocum glider's capability to assess ship noise compared to the ability of fixed observers. Trials were conducted in shallow coastal inlets and deep bays in Newfoundland, Canada, using a glider, hydrophone array, and single-moored system. The study focused on (1) the glider's self-noise signature, (2) range-depth-dependent propagation loss (PL) models, and (3) identifying the location of the vessel to the glider using glider acoustic measurements. The primary contributors to the glider's self-noise were the buoyancy pump and rudder. The pitch-motor noise coincided with the buoyancy pump activation and did not contribute to the glider self-noise in our experiments. PL models showed that seafloor bathymetry and sound speed profiles significantly impacted estimates compared to models assuming flat and range-independent profiles. The glider's performance in recording ship noise was superior to that of other platforms. Using its hydrophones, the glider could identify the bearing from the vessel, although a third hydrophone would improve reliability and provide range. The findings demonstrate that gliders can characterize noise and enhance our understanding of ocean sound sources.
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