A large number of studies have confirmed the anti-inflammatory effects of acupuncture, and some of the mechanisms and pathways regulating inflammatory response have been revealed. However, most of these researches focused on the effect of acupuncture on systemic anti-inflammation, and there is no consensus about the effect characteristics of different acupoints on regulating inflammatory response. It is noteworthy that increasing attention and exploration have been paid to the neuro-immune interactions and regulation of immune-inflammatory homeostasis. Importantly, the understanding of local neuroimmune regulation of non-immune organs has been deepening, which was known as the regional immunity. This new concept lays a scientific foundation for elucidating the characteristics of acupoints on the inflammation, especially the modulation of target visceral organs by the relevant acupoint stimulation. In this paper, the local effects (e.g. activating regional nerve components to induce local neuroimmuno-inflammatory regulation, etc), target visceral organ effects (e.g. regulating activities of visceral resident immune cells to initiate regional immunity regulation mediated by locally resident lymphocytes to promote inflammatory response degradation and to restore the homeostasis of regional immunity in the internal organs, via somato-visceral neuro-segmental connection, etc.) and systemic anti-inflammatory effects (e.g. regulating cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway, including activating the vagus nerve to exert systemic anti-inflammatory effects through neuroimmune regulatory network, etc.) of acupoint stimulation were analyzed from different levels of neuroimmunological regulation, so as to provide new insights for clarifying the role of acupoints in improving inflammatory diseases.
Keywords: Acupoint effects; Local effects; Neuro-immune interaction; Specific target organ effects; Systemic effects.