The use of nanoparticles in the industry carries the risk of their release into the environment. Based on the presumption that the primary graphene oxide (GO) toxicity mechanism is reactive oxygen species production in the cell, the question arises as to whether well-known antioxidants can protect the cell or significantly reduce the effects of GO. This study focused on the possible remedial effect of vitamin C in Acheta domesticus intoxicated with GO for whole lives. The reproduction potential was measured at the level of Vitellogenin (Vg) gene expression, Vg protein expression, hatching success, and share of nutrition in the developing egg. There was no simple relationship between the Vg gene's expression and the Vg protein content. Despite fewer eggs laid in the vitamin C groups, hatching success was high, and egg composition did not differ significantly. The exceptions were GO20 and GO20 + Vit. C groups, with a shift in the lipid content in the egg. Most likely, ascorbic acid impacts the level of Vg gene expression but does not affect the production of Vg protein or the quality of eggs laid. Low GO concentration in food did not cause adverse effects, but the relationship between GO toxicity and its concentration should be investigated more thoroughly.
Keywords: Acheta domesticus; ascorbic acid; graphene oxide; vitellogenin.