In the meat industry, the quality grading system is commonly applied to classify carcasses based on quality and value. Presently, to facilitate consumer convenience, pork bellies are prepared into slices and retailed in supermarkets and butchers. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of quality grade (QG) and retail cutting manner on the quality properties of pork bellies. Thirty-two bellies with different QGs: QG1+, 1, 2, and off-grade (n = 8 each) randomly collected from a commercial slaughterhouse were used. Each belly was cut into 3 portions: A (5-10th rib, cranial edge), B (11-15th rib), and C (without rib, caudal edge) according to the commonly used retail cutting manner. Samples were subjected to chemical composition, quality traits, and aroma analysis. Fat content was highest in QG1+ and lowest in off-grade and distributed at a higher level in portions A and B than in portion C in all QGs (p < 0.05). Off-grade was associated with higher shear force and chewiness values and lower levels of palmitic and stearic acids, regardless of the cutting portion. The bellies used in this study exhibited variations in chemical composition and quality properties not only among the QGs but also across the cutting portions within each QG.
Keywords: aroma; fatty acid; meat quality; pork belly.