Humans complete different types of sequences as a part of everyday life. These sequences can be divided into two important categories: those that are abstract, in which the steps unfold according to a rule at super-second to minute time scale, and those that are motor, defined solely by individual movements and their order which unfold at the sub-second to second timescale. For example, the sequence of making spaghetti consists of abstract tasks (preparing the sauce and cooking the noodles) and nested motor actions (stir pasta water). Previous work shows neural activity increases (ramps) in the rostrolateral prefrontal (RLPFC) during abstract sequence execution (Desrochers et al., 2015, 2019). During motor sequence production, activity occurs in regions of the prefrontal cortex (Yewbrey et al., 2023). However, it remains unknown if ramping is a signature of motor sequence production as well or solely an attribute of abstract sequence monitoring and execution. We tested the hypothesis that significant ramping activity occurs during motor sequence production in the RLPFC. Contrary to our hypothesis, we did not observe significant ramping activity in the RLPFC during motor sequence production, but we found significant activity in bilateral inferior parietal cortex, in regions distinct from those observed during an abstract sequence task. Our results suggest different prefrontal-parietal mechanisms may underlie abstract vs. motor sequence execution.