Procapra picticaudata is an ungulate endemic to the Tibetan Plateau and is widely distributed in the Three-River-Source region. Predicting the seasonal variations in habitat suitability and understanding the effects of environmental variables on habitat use by this species will help formulate effective conservation strategies and clarify its niche characteristics. Based on point records of the occurrence collected during repeated field surveys in winter (January 2019) and summer (August 2019), we used MaxEnt model to predict the differences in habitat suitability and the distribution pattern of the P. picticaudata in the Three-River-Source region using eight preselected environmental variables. We further explored the influence of those variables on the P. picticaudata' distribution pattern using environmental response curves. The results showed that the average area under the receiving operator curve values in winter and summer was 0.901±0.023 and 0.882±0.024, respectively, with a good accuracy of fitness. The total area of suitable habitat for P. picticaudata in winter and summer was 6.83×104 and 9.78×104 km2, respectively. The area of suitable habitats in summer increased significantly compared with winter. There was a tendency for P. picticaudata to spread to the south of the Yangtze River Source Park and the Yellow River Source Park in summer. The spatial patterns of habitat suitability in both winter and summer took Three-River-Source National Park as the high-value center and decreased around it. The seasonal average temperature, altitude, population density, and slope were the main environmental variables affecting the distribution of P. picticaudata both in winter and summer. The higher temperatures in summer allowed the suitable P. picticaudata habitats to extend into areas above 5000 m in altitude, and to areas with slopes of less than 25°, compared with winter. The expansion of human activities in summer encroached on the suitable habitat of P. picticaudata.
藏原羚是青藏高原特有的珍稀有蹄类动物,广泛分布于三江源地区。预测三江源地区藏原羚的生境适宜性季节变化,了解环境变量的改变对藏原羚栖息地利用的影响,有利于制定对应的保护对策,也有助于了解藏原羚的生态位特征。本研究基于同一年冬季(2019年1月)和夏季(2019年8月)两次相同调查路线下藏原羚野外出现点,结合选取的8个环境变量,采用最大熵模型预测三江源地区藏原羚冬、夏季的生境适宜性和分布格局的差异,并通过环境响应曲线探讨环境变量对分布格局的影响。结果表明: 冬、夏季,研究区藏原羚的适宜生境的接收者操作特征曲线下的面积平均值分别为0.901±0.023和0.882±0.024,拟合精度良好;三江源地区藏原羚冬、夏季适宜生境总面积分别为6.83×104、9.78×104 km2,夏季适宜生境面积比冬季明显增加,有向长江源园区以南及黄河源园区方向扩散的趋势。冬、夏季的生境适宜性都呈现出以三江源国家公园为中心、分布概率由中心的高值向周边逐渐递减的模式。季均温、海拔、人口密度和坡度是影响冬、夏季藏原羚分布的主导环境变量。与冬季相比,在气温明显升高的夏季,藏原羚适宜生境向海拔5000 m以上的地区和坡度小于25°的地区扩散,同时,夏季人类活动范围扩大侵占了藏原羚的适宜栖息地。.
MaxEnt model;