The primary acoustic signal of the voice is generated by the complex oscillation of the vocal folds (VFs), whereby physicians can barely examine the medial VF surface due to its anatomical inaccessibility. In this study, we investigated possibilities to infer medial surface dynamics by analyzing correlations in the oscillatory behavior of the superior and medial VF surfaces of four human hemilarynges, each in 24 different combinations of flow rate, VF adduction, and elongation. The two surfaces were recorded synchronously during sustained phonation using two high-speed camera setups and were subsequently 3D-reconstructed. The 3D surface parameters of mean and maximum velocities and displacements and general phonation parameters were calculated. The VF oscillations were also analyzed using empirical eigenfunctions (EEFs) and mucosal wave propagation, calculated from medial surface trajectories. Strong linear correlations were found between the 3D parameters of the superior and medial VF surfaces, ranging from 0.8 to 0.95. The linear regressions showed similar values for the maximum velocities at all hemilarynges (0.69-0.9), indicating the most promising parameter for predicting the medial surface. Since excessive VF velocities are suspected to cause phono-trauma and VF polyps, this parameter could provide added value to laryngeal diagnostics in the future.
Keywords: 3D laryngoscopy; empirical eigenfunctions; hemilarynx; high-speed imaging; laryngeal modeling; mucosal wave propagation; vocal folds.