Background/objectives: Degenerative joint disease (DJD) of the TMJ can impact patients' quality of life and complicate orthodontic treatment. Stabilizing splints are a common conservative treatment in managing TMDs symptoms, although their long-term effects on condylar morphology are poorly studied. This study aimed to assess the impact of stabilizing splints on condyle morphology using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) in patients with various stages of DJD. Forty-two condyles with pre- (T1) and post- (T2) splint therapy scans were analyzed.
Methods: CBCT scans were sectioned into sagittal and coronal slices for condyle classification and measurement. T1 and T2 CBCTs were superimposed before linear and area measurements at different poles.
Results: Our results indicate that condyles in the normal group remain unchanged after splint therapy. The majority of subjects in the degenerative groups remained in the same classification group: six out of fourteen degenerative-active patients became degenerative-repair, while three out of twenty-two degenerative-repair patients progressed to degenerative-active. There is no significant remodeling of condylar width pre- and post-splint therapy. On average, there is more bone deposition than reduction in condylar height after splint therapy, although individual variation exists.
Conclusions: Stabilizing splints offer a low-risk intervention for managing DJD and may contribute to favorable adaptive changes in the condyles.
Keywords: condylar remodeling; cone beam computed tomography; stabilizing splint therapy; temporomandibular joint.