This article is a summary of the first AGS Symposium entitled "Update on Vaccination Strategies for Older Adults: Matching the Approach to the Individual and the Care Setting." Given declines in host defenses and immune function with aging, vaccinations play a pivotal role in fortifying older adults against preventable infections, resulting diseases, disability, and death. Current guidelines generally list recommendations applicable for an average older adult of a given chronological age. However, growing evidence indicates that heterogeneity in terms of factors as varied as biological sex, frailty, functional status, and multimorbidity may impact vaccine responses and clinical outcomes. As a result, clinicians will increasingly need to take these additional factors into consideration as they seek to improve outcomes through improved targeting of such aging-related heterogeneity. Moreover, efforts at protecting older citizens through vaccination must also include strategies to overcome barriers to the adoption of vaccine recommendations in varied settings including long-term care. This 2023 AGS Plenary Symposium sought to commence a broader dialogue across AGS and beyond on optimizing vaccinations for older adults, ensuring not only extended lifespans but also healthier and more active lives. This report is not a systematic review, and thus should not be considered comprehensive.
Keywords: immunizations; older adults; vaccines.
© 2024 The American Geriatrics Society.