DNA computing represents a subfield of molecular computing with the potential to become a significant area of next-generation computation due to the high programmability inherent in the sequence-dependent molecular behaviour of DNA. Recent studies in DNA computing have extended from mathematical informatics to biomedical applications, with a particular focus on diagnostics that exploit the biocompatibility of DNA molecules. The output of DNA computing devices is encoded in nucleic acid molecules, which must then be decoded into human-recognizable signals for practical applications. Nanopore technology, which utilizes an electrical and label-free decoding approach, provides a unique platform to bridge DNA and electronic computing for practical use. In this tutorial review, we summarise the fundamental knowledge, technologies, and methodologies of DNA computing (logic gates, circuits, neural networks, and non-DNA input circuity). We then focus on nanopore-based decoding, and highlight recent advances in medical diagnostics targeting microRNAs as biomarkers. Finally, we conclude with the potential and challenges for the practical implementation of these techniques. We hope that this tutorial will provide a comprehensive insight and enable the general reader to grasp the fundamental principles and diverse applications of DNA computing and nanopore decoding, and will inspire a wide range of scientists to explore and push the boundaries of these technologies.