A gluten-free diet is the only treatment for patients with coeliac disease, who report dissatisfaction with the availability and variety of products, especially bread and pasta. The aim was to compare availability, cost, nutritional composition and ingredients of gluten-free and conventional bread and pasta products. Census of breads and pastas available in online commerce belonging to the third largest supermarket chain in southern Brazil. Information was collected at supermarket's and brand's websites. One hundred and fourteen products were analysed (n = 37 breads and n = 77 pastas): 32.4% (n = 12) gluten-free breads and 18.2% (n = 14) gluten-free pastas. Both gluten-free breads and pastas were significantly more expensive when compared to gluten-containing breads and pastas. Gluten-free breads have higher fat content, gluten-free pastas have higher content of sodium and ingredients. Gluten-free breads and pastas are less available, more expensive and have lower nutritional value compared to conventional versions.
Keywords: Additives; coeliac disease; ingredient list; nutritional labelling.